3 Roller Skating Tips for Beginners to Improve Balance


Whether you want to impress your friends or you are simply having fun, learning new tricks in roller skating can enhance your skating potential dramatically.

While there is no pre-defined recipe for roller skate tricks, what remains true is the more you practice, the better you get. And once you learn backwards skating, you can perform more complex tricks faster. But before that, it is important to improve your balance, so you can push the limits on your roller skating safely.

Skating backwards

To learn how to skate backwards, find a flat surface and equally distribute your weight on each leg. You should be in a comfortable, squatting position. Push your legs to the side and bring them back in, making a figure 8 shape. This is how you begin moving backwards.


Once you can skate backwards, it is easier to moonwalk on skates. But you need toe stoppers on the skates to perform the moonwalk. Keep one skate flat and the other upright with the toe stopper on the ground. Push off with your toe stopper and glide the other skate backwards. Repeat this step by alternating the foot that uses the toe stopper.


The 4-Wheelercan either be done with only the rear wheels or both front and rear. You need roll on only two wheels with each skate. Begin with one foot flat and the other on the rear two wheels. Push off with the flat skate and then lean the skate back on the rear wheels. Maintain balanced by keeping one foot before the other. To gain speed, move your heels from side-to-side.

If you love skating and are looking for Powerline Skates, Inline speed skates, check out Roller Skate USA NOW!


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