4 Fun Skating Games to Play this Summer

 Children always welcome the Summer break but this year it is even better! Here are 5 fun skating games you can play with your friends, if you’re looking for activities with friends.

Remember that some of these roller-skating games are great for the skating rink while others can be more fun in a safe, outdoor skating area. Don’t forget to be mindful of your surroundings and respect other skaters.


You may have played limbo at a party. However, in usual limbo, you lean backwards to walk under the limbo pole. In skating limbo, you lean forward on skates. Once everyone has had a turn, lower the pole slightly. The objective is to go as low as possible without touching the pole.

Follow the Leader

Get your friends out on the rink and everyone take turns as the leader. Others do as the leader does. The leader can make it interesting by coming up with their own signature moves, and everyone else imitates.

Freeze Tag

You may have played normal freeze tag. In skating freeze tag, make teams of ‘it’ and ‘not it.’ The ‘it’ team has to tag the other team, and the ones, who get tagged, have to freeze until one of their teammates can and tag them to ‘unfreeze.’

Shoot the Duck

Shooting the duck is a roller skating move in which the skater glides forward on one foot in a squat position, with keeping the other foot extended straight out in front. If you’ve worked on your flexibility, you can get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Once everyone can do it, turn it into a race and see who can roll the farthest while shooting the duck.

If you love skating and are looking for Matter wheels, Junk Wheels, and Bones bearings, check out Roller Skate USA NOW!


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