Common skating stride mistakes

 Every skater wants a more powerful skating stride. Read on to know more about what you should avoid while adding more power and efficiency to your skating stride.

 The skating stride involves the push, the lateral push, and the glide, and the regroup.

 During skating, your body weight should be directly over your support leg and not sideways. Many skaters try to accelerate by pushing further, without paying attention to support skate and body position.

 While a longer push will help you gain more speed, it is possible if the push is made with the leg only, without lateral body movement.

 Over-pushing to the side can cause an inside edge pronation on the support leg, without correctly balancing the bodyweight over the support leg. This is a common mistake that can lead to slow-onset injuries.

 Remember that more speed and efficiency are not created by an excessively long push alone.

 If you want to improve your stride efficiency, speed, fitness and lower body strength, train to keep your body weight directly over your support leg. All intermediate skaters should train to systematically improve each element of the skating stride, including pushing, gliding and re-grouping.

 If you love skating, discover the largest variety of Inline speed skates for sale, MPC wheels, Roller Skates, Edea Roller Skate and more at Roller Skate USA NOW! Roller Skate USA is a one-stop shopping store to get the skate of your choice from Roller Derby to Roller Artistic.It is the oldest skate company in Miami and South Florida.


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