Extend Your Roller Skates' life

Easy maintenance steps to extend your roller skates’ life 

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High-quality roller skates are not cheap and it is important that you take good care of them. It does not matter if you skate indoors or outdoors. Do you know how easily dust and dirt can ruin your skates? Cleaning your skates improves their durability and ensures that they continue to work well. Here are 4 easy steps to help you keep your skates in good shape.


People often forget to look after their boots while cleaning their roller skating gear. The most crucial thing is to keep them dry and well-conditioned. Humidity, sweat, or water from puddles can add moisture that can be damaging. If you have leather boots, you can wipe them with a soft cloth from time to time. And to thoroughly clean them, you can use a leather conditioner every few weeks. It protects the leather and keeps it soft. And if the material of your boots is suede, a suede protectant can come in handy as it keeps it from fading shortly. Rubbing alcohol or white vinegar can help in removing any stains. For better durability, it is best to buy high-quality skates, such as roll line skates from Roller Skate USA.


Regularly remove the debris buildup for a smoother ride. Choose your wheels according to the skating surface. Choose hard wheels for indoor skating, and go for soft ones for outdoors. MPC wheels and Junk wheels are a good choice when it comes to durability and quality.


Wiping and cleaning your trucks every once in a while is not enough. For proper maintenance, you also need to tighten them. If you are one of those skaters who like to keep them a bit loose for more flexible movement, make sure that their tightness level is the same on each pair.


Your movement and performance depend on your bearings. Being a vital part of your roller skating gear, it is essential for a skater to keep them clean and well-lubricated.

Are you looking for efficient and quality-rich roller skates? Roller Skate USA offers an impressive collection of Edea RollerSkates, MPC wheels, and a lot more. For more details, you can contact them 1-786-252-7966 at or write to rollerskateusa@gmail.com


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